Monday, September 2, 2013

August 24: Prime time

August 24:  So after tons of reading, I think the most straight-forward strategy will be:  cut a couple times during the summer.  Second cutting should be in August.  About a month after cutting, spray new growth.

Along the brook it almost seems like a farm combine tractor could be used to harvest the stuff in one smooth swoop!  How awesome would that be?  Could it then be chipped and let to dry for fuel?
Other possible strategies to compare could come from the following variables:
slash and stack 1x
slash and stack 2x
slash and stack /spray
slash and stack 2x/ spray
slash and don’t remove
knock over
injector vs.
spray vs. paint
date / time between treatments
glyphosate concentration
temperature and weather during treatment
pre-flowering vs post flowering

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